Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My First Art Tablet, a Monoprice Review

I'm the proud owner of a Monoprice graphic drawing tablet.

I've heard about Monoprice for a number of years. I think about three years or something like that. I've honestly heard a lot of good about the product. Though, it still has its downfalls, they aren't major, I believe. I actually got my Monoprice from Yasu, who was so kind to give me theirs. I'm primarily a Mac user now since my Compaq (a Windows computer) shorted out and died on me. How unfortunate.

I'll try to do an article that goes a little more in depth about finding Mac drivers and all that soon after this one. I would try to speak from a personal experience, but I used my Monoprice on Yasu's Windows laptop for all of ten seconds. Until then, enjoy this review.

This is what I have verbatim: Monoprice 8x5 inches Wireless Graphic Drawing TABLET w/ 8 Hot Key. Check it here. The description is a little off from the product.

This is my Monoprice.

This is the actual product/what comes up when searched.

The 8 x 5" has been discontinued from what I'm understanding, at least in the actual model, according to the sticker on the back. It's an interesting mix up. According to my physical model, I have the 8 x 6 tablet, which is still in stock here.

Now. Humourous technicalities aside, I'm very happy to say that I love this tablet. Once I finally had my drivers, I was able to play around with it. Once the driver was installed, I didn't have to change the tablet pressure or anything. It was perfect right from the start. I don't use Photoshop or Sai as my choice art program. I actually use Fire Alpaca, which is okay. That's really all it is is okay, but that's a review for another day. Maybe, I started it, but I just got too tired halfway through.

If you're on a budget and you're looking for a pretty good tablet, Monoprice is a good way to go. Stick tight for my talk about downloading drivers for Monoprice. Very important, especially if you have a Mac.

★ I would recommend this product.

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